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Andina seers


About Andina


In service to the sacredness of all life


2012 to Current


Exploring Human Development, Civilization Design and Conscious Participation in the Evolution of Humanity.


2005 - 2015

Founding Member: The Whole Human University and Whole Human Community.

Weekly, monthly and residential gatherings in the UK and elsewhere exploring our fullest Personal and Transpersonal potential.


Experiential courses run include:

Being - A Whole Human - Opening into, and integrating, our buried talents and gifts 

Satsang and Soul - Embracing the Infinite and the Individual


Becoming A Consciousness Coach



1997 to Current 

Founder, Currently Consultant: The Coming To Life Project

From Surviving to Thriving - For Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma


Experiential courses and workshops include:

Homecoming - Reclaiming Your Inner Child

Trauma to Transcendence

Reclaiming Love




Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) Award for the Services to Animal Welfare.


Landscape Architect, currently creating an organic and regenerative food forest garden.


Click Here to visit the 'Coming To Life' Projectincluding the Food Freedom Project and Baldrick The Therapy Cat


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