Connecting with Andina
Want to work with me?
If you are already awakening to your divine spiritual true nature, opening into deep personal and interpersonal transformation.... and also then sharing your learnings and wisdom in some way with others - then this might be for you.
I have available experiential 1- hour individual and group sessions via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or FaceTime.
As part of our work together you are the one who identifies how much you contribute to our session.
I really want you to feel welcome to engage with me, and I also need to cover costs so that sessions are dynamic and sustainable and I have also made many investments in order to be able to make this offer available - beyond simply my time, and this includes tools, research, media production, overheads, teaching resources, web development, and much more.
£150/session: This is the sustainable level.
Those who contribute more, for example, £250, make it possible for me to be able to include people whose circumstance are more limited.
£95/session: This honourably covers the “hard marginal costs” of your session.
Some valued participants can only afford a lower amount. Just go ahead and identify it, down to £65/session.
Ultimately my purpose is not to merely make money but to share what I have to offer, so please fill in the form below if you need to discuss other options.
Group Meetings
It is also possible to schedule a group-based meeting and generally, this is held online but may be arranged where you live - when Covid 19 permits!
Book a free 30-minute introductory online meeting
to explore Individual or Group sessions
I am looking forward to working with you as part of a courageous new way of awakening, and being, in the world today!